The Department for Equal Opportunities is responsible for overarching coordination tasks. In addition, it develops and implements its own projects:
- Chancen@UniKöln - Database
- "DiVers - Didaktik und Diversity in der Hochschullehre" - Didactics and Diversity in University Teaching (2014)
- Diversity Audit „Vielfalt gestalten“ - Shaping Diversity
- Diversity Week "Du machst den Unterschied"
- Inculsion Action Plan
- Project "Diversity and Equal Opportunities in Studies and Teaching" (2014 - 2016) from the UoC quality improvement funds
- Project Fund for DIVERSITY and INCLUSION
- Room of Silence
- Student assistant positions for " first generation" students
- Gender Cinsulting - Networking and coordination of gender equality measures of DFG-funded research networks and research training groups
- All-gender restrooms (WCs)